Cover Supervisor

Posted 2 years ago by Twenty 4 Seven
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Job Description

All staff will:
● play a full part in the life of the school community, support its vision, ethos and policies and
encourage staff and students to follow this example.
● fulfil responsibilities with regards to safeguarding (including reporting concerns to the
designated safeguarding lead)
● model Hartsdown values to parents and students
● be positive, dynamic and challenging in all aspects of work
● foster the school’s inclusive ethos nurturing everyone regardless of race, gender, sexual
orientation, religion or ability
● share direct accountability for the establishment of Hartsdown as an outstanding school
● take responsibility for their own learning and development
● develop the skills and talents of other members of the community
● ensure their own well-being and that of others by establishing an appropriate balance between
life and work
● play an active part in the life of the school and its community
● develop social cohesion and positive links with the whole of our local community
● adhere to the school community’s standards, policies, systems and procedures in relation to
students, health and safety, personnel and financial management.
● agree annual performance targets, with a view to own continuous improvement
● undertake any other duties that may reasonably be required by the Headteacher.
General Description
To supervise whole classes undertaking pre-prepared activities provided by a teacher during the
short-term absence of a classroom teacher.The primary focus is to maintain order and to keep
students on task.
Specific Responsibilities
1. Supervise pre-prepared activities and self-directed learning in the short-term planned /
unplanned absence of teachers to provide continuity of learning for students.
2. Prepare the classroom/outside areas for lessons, ensuring that resources are available and
cleared away at the end of the lessons as appropriate.
3. Manage the behaviour of students whilst they are undertaking work.
4. Collect any completed work after the lesson and return it to the appropriate teacher.
5. Report back as appropriate using agreed referral procedures on the behaviour of pupils during
the class, and any issues arising.